So Many Projects, So Little Time. An Affirmation.

May 29, 2013

I had decided to try and document my projects for posterity, and to possibly aid others with similar projects of their own.  Hence, this site.  The documentation of these said projects, is a project in and of itself.  It takes time to take pictures, upload them, and write things about them.  It takes even more time to take good pictures, upload them, chronologically display the progress and write coherent things about them.  Time is probably my biggest hurdle…next to The Latest PC Game addiction (which eats up time).  But also, there is that whole… working a full time job, being the “engineer” that keeps a house of six occupants operational, being a Dad, being a husband, being a car mechanic, being a computer tech, being a plumber, being a contractor, etc.


So far, I have failed at project completion and documentation.


I have ideas.  I have experimented with my ideas for proof of concept.  If I can focus, pull it together, follow through, get it done, and document it, I think I’ll have something worthy to share.