May 30, 2014
Catch Up
Good golly, it’s been almost a year since my last post. I blame apathy. Last November I built a Radio Stack for Flight Simulator X (FSX). It uses an Arduino Leonardo clone, and third party software called “Link2FS_Multi”.
I didn’t have to use a clone, its just what I had on hand.
Other parts used:
4 MAX7219 display modules to drive the 7 segment displays
1 Elma E37 Dual Concentric Rotary Encoder with push button
2 Momentary Push Switches
1 Toggle Switch
1 Rotary Switch

After the Radio Stack, I got cocky and started work on a 737 style MCP/autopilot.
It uses the same type of interface, Link2FS_Multi to talk to FSX, but this time I used an Arduino Mega.
As of this writing the MCP is still under construction, but is partially functional.
I plan to program it to work with the PMDG 737NGX. Not a walk in the park, as PMDG uses proprietary offsets with their aircraft. Fortunately they publish the offsets.

I need to document these projects with more photos and detailed explanation.